Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feb. 15th, 2009

It is Sunday night and I am 16 weeks along but will be 17 weeks on Tuesday! Things are moving along quickly! We went to the Doc again this past Friday and everything still looks great. We got to hear the heartbeat again and it was again the best sound we have ever heard. The heartbeat was averaging 153 which is right on target. There are old wives tells that say you can tell if it is a boy or a girl by how fast the heart beats, and it looks like our little one may be a girl if you go by that! Who knows what it is-even though my maternal instinct has been telling me girl from the beginning. I don't care either way although I have been window shopping and little girl stuff is so so so cute. Our next doctors appt is the week of march 9th(our doc is doing the ultrasound for us so I will find out the day for sure this week) and we will find out the sex and look at the rest of the baby's anatomy! I still don't really have a baby belly and have gained 2lbs at this point which is fine with me. My appetite is very huge which isn't that new for me, I've always been a big eater, Jed says I haven't changed in that department. I have been hitting the gym alot and that has helped curtail some of the weight gain since I have eaten quit a few fries and chicken wings and the exercise makes me feel great. The belly pics are in high demand(I've had some request) so when it gets bigger I will post my belly! Love to all! Julie, Jed, Snickers, Chance and Mo Mo!

1 comment:

  1. I hope it is a girl! She and Lou Ellen will be best friends!! We can take all girl shopping trips! Oh what fun! I'll still love him if he's a boy though, I promise!
